Neversoft has announced it's hard at work on its next Tony Hawk game that will come out later this year for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, and DS. With the title of Tony Hawk: Proving Ground, it sounds like a stab at Electronic Arts' Skate game, proving that there's only enough room for Tony Hawk skater games on store shelves. Neversoft is boasting that T.H.P.G. will give players more freedom for character defining and course customization than ever before, which sounds like the same half-kept promises we got for Tony Hawk Underground. The only truly new things Neversoft has mentioned are terrain altering and skating from single player to multiplayer seamlessly. The video capturing and level editor and all the other good stuff will be there too, but this doesn't seem like a Skate killer yet.
T.H.U.G. was the last Tony Hawk game I ever bought, and I think I stuck around for the series updates a lot longer than most people. For now I think I'll approach skating games the same way I approach football and other sports games -- buying just one or two at the birth of a new generation of consoles, and then waiting several years to see how far things have come.