11.17.2006 BEST 25 GAMING TATTOOS EVER! [Update 1]

You've all seen them before, but you've never seen this many in one place. From Mario to Halo to Zelda to Final Fantasy to Bubble Bobble to the infamous Pac Man butt crack tattoo to NES guns, there's enough body ink in this gallery to make even Michael Jackson look pretty. A FF7 tattoo ironically scored 7th on the 25 list, which was judged based on how large and colorful the tattoos were, how obscure the related games were, and the 'WTF is that' factor of certain body tattoo placement. And pain. The winner of them all had to hurt like a Chain Chomp, but it was worth it!

If you have any gaming tattoos of your own, feel free to send them in to get seen. Or if you found a tattoo you think is badass enough to jump onto this Top 25 list then that works too, I challenge you to wow my retinas with retro love!

Update 1: Now's your last chance to send in your gamer tattoos. I got a bunch of submissions and will be posting them all late tomorrow (Tuesday) night. So far I've received some really cool ones that even deserve to dethrone a few of the top 25 winners. Check back tomorrow to see some more amazing gamer skin art.

From #25 to #1, here they are:

Photo RANK: 25Photo RANK: 24Photo RANK: 23Photo RANK: 22Photo RANK: 21Photo RANK: 20Photo RANK: 19Photo RANK: 18Photo RANK: 16Photo RANK: 17Photo RANK: 15Photo RANK: 14Photo RANK: 13 (it's real!)Photo RANK: 12Photo RANK: 11 Art by: Jason Lambert Eye Candy tattoos Pittsburgh, PA. www.myspace.com/jasonlambertPhoto RANK: 10Photo RANK: 9Photo RANK: 8Photo RANK: 7Photo RANK: 6Photo RANK: 5Photo RANK: 4Photo RANK: 3 Artist info: Jason Lambert Eye Candy tattoos Pittsburgh, PA. www.myspace.com/jasonlambertPhoto RANK: 2Photo RANK: 1 - FENRIR FTW!
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There are 22 comments about this post:

11/17/2006 17:08
Damien says
Ok,first of all #13 is a fucking iron on transfer and not a real tattoo. And 2ndly,#2 should have easily been #1.
11/17/2006 17:15
Vin says

This is the # 1 Tattoo..

11/17/2006 17:15
Vin says
oops, sorry copied img tag by mistake. Try this one. :)

11/17/2006 17:25
Vin says
Ya, I guess not, well I submitted my Tattoo to the site, copy and paste the link. :)
11/17/2006 18:01
Kari says
Actually, #13 is not a fake. I spent 4 hours in the chair ;)


11/17/2006 23:02
chris says
Hey, Kari awesome tattoo! The article you linked says you host a gaming podcast, what's the url?
11/18/2006 01:33
shawnphase says
i submitted mine, you guys wil hopefully see them soon =D
11/18/2006 02:35
Damien says
Ok,so its not fake. It looks fake. Also,looks shitty. Way to waste 4 hours of your life.
11/18/2006 06:44
Skarsnik says
10th isn't bad for me, but that picture is now so old it's nearing retirement age :) I've had hours more work done since and mine is still not completed. If you want to see more head to http://www.eve-ink.co.uk - Enjoy.
11/18/2006 09:42
Anders says
Awesome tattoos, and although i disagree slightly with the rankings (everybody has different tastes, so that's just natural), I feel credits were given where credit's due.

Except for #1; I really don't see anything game related in that tattoo at all.
Fenrir is a part of Norse mythology (Asetro) and is called Fenris in danish. If it is supposed to refer to the Final Fantasy character, there is no resemblance whatsoever. Check the game or just a couple of screenshots. They look nothing alike. That particular tattoo is very typical of what you see over here in Scandinavia, and the fact that it also shows the chains by which Fenris is bound (after it took the hand of Tyr) as well as Thor's hammer and Odin's ravens, Hugin and Munin, fills me with a strong sense that this was not at all created with Final Fantasy in mind. Notice the obvious aging of the tattoo as well. However pretty, it doesn't belong in this lineup and I feel another tattoo should take its place.
11/18/2006 16:59
Damien says
Hey Dan,if your gonna show off your retarded tattoo on the INTERNET....Expect to be made fun of..Fuckin retard.
11/18/2006 19:18
Daniel says
Hey Anders!
Maybe you should give a look at this screenshot:


That Fenrir is indeed an awesome quote from FFVI's esper. Bloody amazing.
11/19/2006 06:07
Anders says
Thanks for the reference, Daniel. The screenshots I was looking at were from installments much later in the series. Now I bow my head in shame.
That tattoo does indeed deserve to be on this page. And high-ranked, too.
11/20/2006 06:13
Newsbitch says
Thank you! I just found this post; I'm the owner of #23 :P. Hehe, that's pretty much made my day :) Again, thank you!
11/20/2006 13:43
P.A says
nr 1 is kinda cool, but he's made the wolf(?) too long, so it ruins it, look like a turd :/ 16 is the best imo, no contest even..

the problem is that many tattooers arent that skilled as artists.. if i ever make a tattoo i would be from someone who also is a really, really skilled painter/drawer and as old as possible (since art is something you never master).
11/20/2006 20:31
Rich says
Hey Damien: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19
11/24/2006 08:22
Kari says
Chris, I haven't recorded in a month because we are in between websites. However, we will be recording again next weekend, I'll link you up when it launches.

Also, Damien, your insults are really lame, you should think of new ones.
11/24/2006 08:39
EE says
Damien, can you tell us why #13 is shitty? Just curious.
12/04/2006 21:06
jared says
i'm pretty sure that number 19 and number 2 are the same, just that 19 is way early in the process, nevertheless, totally kick-ass awesome
12/14/2006 23:35
EE says
no, number 19 link is on the center of the forearm, and number 2 link is more on the outside of the forearm.
03/31/2007 08:18
If any of these had to be a transfer, it would have to be #16. I'm not saying that it is one though.
03/31/2007 08:20
probably because of the cel-shaded design

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