According to GoNintendo, Nintendo filed for a Punch-Out!! trademark in April 2005, and then once again in January 11th. They could be just updating the patent, but after seeing Wii Sports boxing I wouldn't be surprised if they had another installment to the series in mind. They'd have to put a lot of work into it though, almost everyone I know hated Wii Boxing more than any of the other Wii Sports mini-games. It would be interesting to see how hard they made the game for the kid-friendly Wii system. NES might have been played only by children back in the day, but I have still never been able to get past either of the versions' last bosses without cheat codes. I could see another Punch Out game breaking a lot of TVs.
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There are 2 comments about this post:

01/30/2007 13:12
Michael says
Someone asked the other day about what Classics it would take for me to purchase a Wii. Here is one. Toss on Metroid, Kid Icarus, Final Fantasy (I don't know why I own ever version ever made /sigh such a dork) Zelda 1 / 2 and hell give me some Ikari Warriors and I'd buy a Wii. Bionic Commando, Rygar. Ok enough derailing. FOCUS: A updated Punch-Out would be great. I really don't get into the Fight Night line of games, even with the jaw dropping graphics I don't enjoy fighting sims, I prefer arcade fighters, so this would be rad.
01/30/2007 16:18
Fronz, I have lost that much respect for you as a gamer now that I know you couldn't beat the final bosses in either Punch-Out :)

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