OldGrandmaHardcore is a legendary lady who links together girl gamers and elderly "gray" gamers in one epileptic evolutionary path. I don't think she could ever be a 'missing' link though, this video makes it look like her family locks her away in the corner of a cramped room and forces her to play games all day. She puts off her dementia by playing games in three dimensions, and prolongs her life by ending others' - her most recent video is another great example of elderly entertainment. There's something special to hearing "Come on fuckers, die!!" come from your grandma. Unless it's when she's babysitting, then you might have a problem.


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There are 16 comments about this post:

03/16/2007 14:24
Samuel says
I think you meant... wait maybe you really did mean "prolong". All I know is that she sucks!
03/16/2007 17:03
andrew says
that part of the game was easy as hell, she might want to pop some of those free meds of hers before playing
03/16/2007 17:18
Barb says
Nah, they don't lock me in a dark room. The lights are off because the glare is bad on that tv. And nobody forces me to play anything! I know you didn't mean anything by it but I'm just saying.

Samuel, who gives a shit if I suck? I like to play.

Take care,

03/16/2007 19:08
Samuel says
Oooh I got cussed out by an internet celeb. At least you like Final Fantasy VII.
03/16/2007 19:17
Barb says
I'm no celebrity. Celebrities get money. And I didn't mean to cuss you out I'm just saying I know I suck at it right now, I just got started. But I'm having fun with it.
03/16/2007 23:46
Fuil says
Barb, you're the shit.
03/17/2007 00:25
Damien says
Eat a dick sam,barb keep at the grind!
03/17/2007 03:17
George says
Best. Grandma. Ever.
03/17/2007 08:58
Allah says
Fuck the game..aint nothing like 80 year old grandma camel-toe. that's what i'm talkin' bout mmm hmm..
03/17/2007 10:44
Jake says
Will you be my new grandma? :D
03/17/2007 15:41
Barb says
sure, I'll be your new grandma. But what's wrong with the one you got?
03/17/2007 19:59
Jake says
Unfortunately she has passed away. :'(
Not that I want to replace her or anything, but you would be a very cool grandmother. My grandmother like video games, but not the newer ones. She was a fan of the old atari games like Q-bert and pacman and stuff. I remember playing with her as a kid, it was great.
Keep workin on your gaming, you'll get better, and don't let any of these little jerks get you down by saying you suck, or whatever. Everyone was bad when they started, I don't understand why people don't realize that.
Anyhow I'm sure you are tired of listening to me babble on. Take care, Barb, and happy fraggin'.
03/17/2007 20:20
Barb says
Jake, she sounds like she was pretty goddamn cool. Tim and I used to play Q*bert and PacMan back in the day, too. And we had a blast doing it! It sounded like you two had a good thing going. You have my sincere sympathies.
03/18/2007 03:36
Karen says
Barb, I hearby nominate you as my honorary Grandma. My last real grandma passed 10 years ago.

I'm usually playing the online MMORPG Final Fantasy XI on my Xbox 360 but I'm sure to always check into your doings on Tim's blog. Heck, I even got one of the OGHC tshirts last year.

Game on! - Karen
03/18/2007 20:57
Michael says
Dude why is this guy allowed to have the same screen name as me? Tom fix this bullshit.
03/19/2007 13:06
Bomber says
ya..we need to know at all times who the true sony loving michael is...no imposter's please

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