The newest Gamepro magazine issue has more than a dozen preview pages showing off Halo 3's updated weapons, vehicles, equipment, beta maps, and the levels Shrine, Epitaph, and Last Resort. The most exciting new feature they reveal is the ability to extensively customize your player armor:

"Tired of staring at Master Chief's mug? Halo 3's online mode offers new armor permutations that allow players to customize their personas from head to toe. Will the Covenenat Elite player models be eligible for similar upgrades? Only Bungie knows."  

Create-A-Spartan opens up many questions, none of which Bungie is willing to talk about yet. Will the armor permutations affect your online health meter? Do different sets of armor portray different ranks of any sort? Or is it all just for a fun change of appearance to visually set Halo 3 apart from Halo 2? We'll have to wait and see, Bungie doesn't want to spoil all their secrets, but it's obvious they've still got at least a few more they're keeping from us. Check out the high quality scans from Arrogantics below.

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There are 7 comments about this post:

06/01/2007 23:15
Samuel says
4 in 5 custom armor configurations will be based on Boba Fett like that white one up there in the middle.
06/01/2007 23:51
Sarah says

huh...The white one does remind me of Boba Fett.

I really hope the amour upgrades represent different ranks. To me, that would be more unqiue then customizable Spartans. Sure it would bring a certain individual feel for each player but this is a FPS! Not Halo SIMS. 

06/02/2007 02:34
Manimal says

I really hope different armor doesn't dictate different stats, or at least, I hope it's turned off for matchmaking. I'm all for customization, and as much as I love RPGs, leave the RPG elements out of it.

06/02/2007 12:27
Dexter345 says
I agree with Sarah and Manimal.  I'd rather have them represent different ranks, and I'd rather they not dictate different stats.  I don't expect they will, but for the first part, I bet it'll just be fully customizeable.  Frankly, I think a lot of these new armor combinations are really ugly.
06/03/2007 01:02
kintar0 says
Too bad you can't map your head into the game and go helmetless. Because, you know, Master Chief is you, and under that helmet, he looks like you.
06/03/2007 19:36
AdamP152 says
The Boba Fett theory seems correct- Remember the latest Vidoc Bungie released before the beta? Go take a look at that and you'll see Boba Fett models, heads, and drawings all over the place.
06/03/2007 19:48
AdamP152 says
The Boba Fett theory seems correct- Remember the latest Vidoc Bungie released before the beta? Go take a look at that and you'll see Boba Fett models, heads, and drawings all over the place.

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