Screw Attack's top ten boobs in video games list put me in a mood. No, not for porn, but for more Top 10 lists, and Screw Attack isn't new to these topic. Here's their classic top ten game secrets list from last year - I like how each year passes but we still look to retro games for the best secrets and cheats. Of all ten games on the list, only one was released in recent years:

  • Mega Man - pause trick
  • Street Fighter II - mirror match
  • Legend of Zelda - second quest code
  • Mortal Kombat - blood enabled
  • Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - hot coffee mod
  • Altered Beast - cartridge swap
  • Sonic the Hedgehog - debug mode
  • Metroid - Justin Bailey cheat
  • Contra - Konami code
  • Super Mario Bros. - sewers warp pipes
Pretty good list, although I think a random level from Wolfenstein 3D's Dark Secret chapter deserves a spot among the rest - I can't think of any other game that has a hundred secret passages in a single level. Can you think of any other cheats or secrets that should be on the list?
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There are 4 comments about this post:

02/22/2007 17:39
I like Mega Man 3's super jump trick better than the pause trick. Not only did it allow you to jump really high, not only did it allow you to fall into pits without dying, but if you managed to take damage while in a pit, you could deplete your life bar completely, which made you IMMUNE to damage. Pretty cool.
02/22/2007 18:14
Samuel says
I like the Max from Sam and Max secret in the Barons Hed level in Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. This lady is walking around the level and if you follow her into her house you find Max armed with a blaster pistol. Normally he goes after bad guys but piss him off and he comes after you.
02/22/2007 23:13
sean says
How about the Secret Cow Level in Diablo II? Moo....
02/23/2007 13:11
Samuel says
Oh yeah! The secret cow level is great simply because of the story of why it was made. Blizzard added it to Diablo 2 because of the rumors of a secret cow level in the first Diablo. Rockstar should do something like that in GTA4 and add bigfoot and a chainsaw wielding pigman to it because of the rumors from GTA:SA.

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