You know that sappy The Fray "How to Save a Life" song that's replaced Vitamin C's "Friends Forever" song as the most annoying high school song ever? The one that starts off with "Step 1 you say we need to talk," followed by step 2 of you turning your TV/Radio off? Yeah, that one. Well a Sony hater took the tune from that song and made up his own Sony slamming lyrics to go along with the melody. It's good to finally see a gaming music video that's calm and serious instead of just a bunch of white rapping dudes who figured out that Wii, PS3, and 360 all rhyme with each other.

Using a slideshow of images, YouTube user heavyarms117 shows typical PS3 price arguments and attacks their online services. He even goes all Brian Flemming on Sony's Phil Harrison by displaying old quotes with new audio to show how Sony's lies built up quicker than the typical bullshit you'd get from Nintendo or Microsoft. Add some Blu-ray low blows and the condemning of Killzone 1 and 2, and you've got yourself something I'd play on the radio. This is exactly why Nintendo said they weren't competing with PS3 and 360, letting Sony go solo in the race for the best console in the world was the smartest decision they've made in years.

Thanks to Lawl for the video tip! 

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There are 44 comments about this post:

02/23/2007 13:08
Samuel says
The timing for the pics was off but the song was well done. And I agree that Killzone sucked, it was so generic and uninspired, like Black.
02/23/2007 13:10
TC says
Weak --- ** yawn **

02/23/2007 13:25
Jason says
It may just be ok but I love whole made vids.
02/23/2007 13:34
Danny M says
maybe its just me but I thought that the whole video was sweet!
02/23/2007 13:37
Anthony says
I thought that ruled... it's all funny b/c it's all true.
02/23/2007 14:02
TC says
Truth ? Lets examine the truths... "wii novelty" quote. That is a true quote. Wii is a novelty, its not for serious gamers at all. Sure its cute and quirky and family fun all around, so was my Furby at one time. I want cutting edge, not a fun box. Live is better than Sony's online so far - BUT you get what you pay for, understand ? Sony's is FREE. Blu-ray angle is WEAK. Sony didn't ask what you wanted. But instead providing gaming experiences on a larger gaming media, not mention the next media for movies in HD. Ridiculous... And the auction slide price thing just kills me. What is that for ? To show how every launch game console is hocked on Ebay for a premium at launch, then the auction price drops because more systems are available to the general public at WalMart. Weak argument there. And not finding your friends online is a joke. I see my friends just fine on the PS3. Shows me who's on and what they are playing. Killzone argument is just stupid. Lets make an assumption on Killzone 2 after it has come out. Remember Halo regressed, not impressed. That's why everyone can't wait for Halo 3, to forget the mistake of Halo 2. And last but not least, the "infamous" electonic store using the 360, behind a PS3 cardboard cutout. URBAN LEGEND!!!! Give me a break. All true ?? Yeah, with fanboy goggles on.
02/23/2007 14:12
FANK says
Wait, when will the PS3 have good game?
02/23/2007 14:22
TC says
Define good ? So I can tailor this instead of broad generalizations. Resistance is a GREAT action/online game for example. Virtua Fighter 5 is a GREAT fighting game. Want sports - check out NBA 2k7 - mind blowing graphics. Want more greatness look at the lineup coming. Do you have a PS3 ? or just another sideline mudslinger ?
02/23/2007 14:36
Michael says
You know I don't like to go apeshit about the PS3 and how it is shaping up to rule the f'ing world but I can't stand the ignorant f's out there that live and die by their 360. The PS3 launch was just like all launches for all systems, 1 great game, and then sit and wait. The difference between the PS3 and the 360 and the Wii is that once the levy breaks the f'ing river is coming. From here on out (after VF5) it's a f'ing flood of top tier ass kicking games. What does 360 REALLY have to offer? It had H2. Then you all sat and waited for Gears of War. And now you are sitting and waiting for H3. Two gaming franchises do not make a system. (Look at the N64 for proof)
02/23/2007 14:45
Bomber says
look who is calling the kettle black..you fanboys crack me up...360, wii, bs3..you are all the same and rant about eachother...its fucking great...keep it coming
02/23/2007 14:47
Bomber says
actually..its only the ps3 fanboys I see in here ranting...so i guess that says something

here a hint...let the system speak for itself..if your so confident about whatever system you sleep with why do you need to defend it at every turn?
02/23/2007 14:48
Michael says
As for good dames for the PS3 there are plenty. Resistance is awesome fun, Marvel on the PS3 kills any other version, NBA2k7 is jaw dropping to most people and VF5 is about as perfect a fighting game ever made. And I HATE VF. In the next few weeks Lair is out, and followed by Heavenly Sword, Warhak and NG Sigma. I'm not even going to list all the multiplatform games that will be superior on the PS3, the list would take up too much space. Mix all of that up with the monster update scheduled in March and even the most assbackward 360 fanboi will have a hard time accepting that the PS3 is on a steady pace to reclaim the throne.
02/23/2007 14:53
Bomber says
like i said..why the need to defend?
02/23/2007 15:11
FANK says
Wait, are there any DC fanboys here? That's the side I'm on.
02/23/2007 15:12
Bomber says
im a dreamcast fanboi..should we just join forces?
02/23/2007 15:52
FANK says
Most def...PSO time?
02/23/2007 15:53
Danny M says
I'm pretty sure that Power Stone on the DC is better then Resistance, go ahead yell at me, I'm ready for it!
02/23/2007 16:50
DanZuke says
All systems since the Atari 2600 have sucked. Combat is the only true game.
02/23/2007 17:45
Alan says
anyone else thinks this is wierd al?
02/23/2007 17:58
Conor says
I don't own one yet, but I've played my friends and, meh. They get so pissed if you naysay at all tho, like it's my fault they dropped over 600 bones. And Power Stone was the best baby.
02/23/2007 19:30
rafael says
I bet the fool that made this video was a microsoft or nintendo fanboy, and is just jelous of the great system the ps3 is.
02/23/2007 20:35
David says
to the Moron who made this video I have some advice for you;

You need to find yourself a girl, mate!
02/23/2007 20:40
jim says
oh thats right jealous of a system that sells like garbage with garbage games? no thanks you stupid sony fanboy
02/23/2007 21:05
Devin says
I own a ps3 60g and I would get pissed it anyone dissed it, not because I want to defend the ps3, but because I dropped over 1000.00 on the system, games, controlers, and remote. I am not biased in any way shape or form, I just like the little things the ps3 has to offer like the wireless controlers and motion sensors. I dont mind the online gaming problems, those also have something to do with the developers. As far as games go, Motorstorm, Raninbow 6 Vegas, HL2E2, Lair, Def Jam Icon, and many more will be available. Not to mention that God of War 2 is compatible on the PS3. Im happy with my choice.
02/23/2007 21:40
Nick01 says
I agree that you have the right to get pissed if anyone disses the system that you own. But about how you said that you "lik the little things the ps3 has to offer like wireless controllers and motion sensors," well i hate to break it to you but those features are not unique. The Wii has both of those features and the 360 has wireless controllers. In fact, Nintendo was the first company to offer those features. Also, to all the people who got so pissed about the little video, while i agree that it made some cheap blows it mainly presented that fact that Sony's new consoles is selling like crap in comparison to Nintendo and Microsoft. And no sony fanboy can deny that.
02/23/2007 21:56
Alan says
02/23/2007 23:48
one year. you'll see.
02/24/2007 00:36
I dunno. The song is delivered well, but I like when people can be funny and offensive without making shit up.
02/24/2007 02:29
Anonymous Dude says

HOW THE HELL DO YOU JUSTIFY USING THE N64 AS LEVERAGE IN AN ARGUMENT ABOUT HOW POORLY YOUR PS3 IS DOING? N64 Was An Amazing console, I still to this day play N64, and when im not doing that, I can play the awesome ganes on Wii VC. IMO, MarioKart 64, Best racing game EVER. GoldenEye/Perfect Dark, among the best shooters. Mario64, cannot be topped. Even the wrestling games, look back at them now, bad graphics, limited move sets, but amazingly good games none the less. Please, if you are going to gauge how poorly PS3 is doing, compare it to dreamcast, I do.
02/24/2007 02:59
Monty says
That was awesome.... I still haven't purchased anything since the super nintendo, but I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a PS4... only 4 years to go!!!
02/24/2007 14:06
Conor says
Isn't "4-D Gaming" right up there with "Blast Processing?"
02/24/2007 16:36
Jeff says
well i have all 3 of them and i can honestly say that i play xbox 360 more then the others..its funner and easier to play..wii is fun when i have a few friends over and we start drinking and playing wii sports..the ps3 on the other hand..i rarely play..just not as good as i thought i was..maybe it will get better eventually but for now..its the bottom of the list for systems..cost way to much for what it has and can do..i prefer xbox360/wii over the ps3 anyday
02/25/2007 20:05
Emerica says
You can't possibly argue the games on the 360 to the games on the ps3 because the ps3 JUST CAME OUT so therefore there aren't as many games as 360 cause 360 was rushed to beat ps3 to the shelves and got the change to make more games over the time ps3 was getting ready for launch. And to Alex, GoW and Halo are the ONLY two games every mentioned by 360 fanboys. I have never heard of any of those other games you mentioned because no one says shit about them. I agree with the "one year" statement by RIMUSAR. You just wait for Blu-Ray to take off with the layers and the amount of space that a game can be put onto there. So much space, it can almost be used as a hard drive. Not with OS on it but to save files.

And to whoever said about the gf. Just wondering how your gf is? I know mine is great :thumbsup: and was wondering how it was not to have one.
02/25/2007 20:07
Emerica says
And that cutout of the PS3 with the 360 behind it. What dumbass would see a cutout PS3, and thing OMG I CAN PLAY IT NOW... seriously. That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

Lastly, I love TC's comment
02/25/2007 20:09
FANK says
Wait, the PS3 Blu Ray drive burns discs?
02/26/2007 02:26
David says
I don't own a xbox 360, A ps3, or a Wii as of this moment but my statement remains

To the Moron who made this video I have some advice for you; You need to find yourself a girl, mate!
02/26/2007 12:17
Emerica says
I just keep remembering things to say. The only reason PS3 fanboys are saying things is because this video is biased for 360, which makes PS3 fanboys want to say something.
02/26/2007 23:18
David says
Which I guess means that were all PS3 fanboys Emerica
02/26/2007 23:41
tsantsa says
"The only reason PS3 fanboys are saying things is because this video is biased for 360..."

Well, yeah, that's the point. Also biased toward the Wii. He made the video to piss people like you off. He succeeded quite well, unless my eyes decieve me. HERE HERE!! To the PoS3!!

02/27/2007 12:17
Emerica says
Well the reason I said that is because Bomber said that only the PS3 fanboys are arguing.
03/01/2007 01:06
David says
I see my mistake Emerica
03/02/2007 12:42
Brett says
"I don't own a xbox 360, A ps3, or a Wii as of this moment but my statement remains To the Moron who made this video I have some advice for you; You need to find yourself a girl, mate!"

You need yourself a girl as well if you have time to post on this board then eh? I think talking down to people about what you consider a stupid argument but then posting several times in that thread makes you even worse off. Don't hate on the person who made the video, its entertaining, funny, just because your mad at life, don't take it out on someone else =(. Your in much more dire need of help than anyone else here, don't you worry =). Just keep chasing your rainbow!

P.S. Trying to sound like a great character from a good movie does not make you cool =-(.
03/02/2007 13:00
Moderator 11 says
David - Please think before you post. Thanks!

"I don't own a xbox 360, A ps3, or a Wii as of this moment but my statement remains To the Moron who made this video I have some advice for you; You need to find yourself a girl, mate!"

"Which I guess means that were all PS3 fanboys Emerica"

"I see my mistake Emerica"
03/07/2007 11:01
Garvey says
Hey the guy that did the song just released a new one. Friggin Hysterical!


OMG He must HATE Sony.

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