This fan video puts the 2D staged Ryu vs Scorpion battle to shame. Montyoum's video starts off as a simple Matrix styled fight between Master Chief and countless covenant enemies, with sketchy 3D animations and iffy textures that had me thinking I was going to be disappointed. Before long though, Montyoum rips out all of the rules and unleashes impressive action scenes you've always wanted to play out on Xbox Live. Master Chief throws an entire Warthog into the air and catapults himself behind the vehicle using it as a massive shield, followed by fending off dozens of plasma swords using his sniper rifle to deflect the blows.

There was a point in the video where I thought it was all over and I was pretty damn satisfied, but the video was only half way done and a big surprise was about to come. The fighting further escalates when Metroid's Samus Aran randomly rolls into the battle, and all of a sudden you've got shots ricocheting off of plasma shields in tandem. The Matrix styled action then takes a Star Wars twist and picks up pace. Who will win? Samus Aran or Master Chief? I won't ruin the surprises, just sit back and enjoy. Montyoum's already answered most of his watchers' questions here(scroll down), and you can check out his other kickass work from the past here and here. Montyoum plans on releasing several more of his fan projects in the future and I'll definitely be posting them all.

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There are 21 comments about this post:

04/18/2007 19:52
david says
This is my extreme dream right here. Wow. Montyoum nailed it.
04/18/2007 20:48
Richard says
Monty Oum could probably work at bungie.
04/18/2007 22:44
Stoney's 3rd account says
Master chief's armor is a bomb eh? Anywho, that was awesome beyond belief.
04/18/2007 23:38
Danro says
That was the awesomest piece of awesome fan film I have ever seen in my awesome life. The dance number sealed the deal.
04/18/2007 23:46
Dexter345 says
I just caught this off the link Tycho put out. This is awesome.
04/19/2007 01:34
Jimmy says
That video kicked an immeasurable amount of ass
04/19/2007 03:04
Thief says
Dear god.... that must have taken so much work!
04/19/2007 09:43
FANK says
So great.
04/19/2007 09:58
Michael says
Bad Ass to the Max.
04/19/2007 11:52
dave says
awesome job! too bad Halo sucks and is overrated though.
04/19/2007 11:56
dave says
and its no surprise the guy is asian too.
04/19/2007 13:29
Pettitman says
God it felt awkward towards the end...
04/19/2007 15:27
Michael says
+1 to Pettitman
04/19/2007 17:43
Anthony says
Eh, I could do better. haha. Just kidding, that rocked my whole world. Nice touch at the end, too. Hope this gives developers all the right ideas.
04/19/2007 19:46
clarient says
What would a awesome fight scene be without lesbian innuendo and gratuitous dancing at the end?

Jesus Christ, it was awesome until Samus and Master Chief started making googly eyes at each other. Then it just made me want to puch the damn screen.

Way to alienate/insult nearly every female gamer on this earth.
04/19/2007 21:43
JonathanWK says
Way to give a boner to every male gamer on this earth. And by "boner", I mean erection.
04/19/2007 23:06
D-Chap says
How the hell did he do that- where did he get all those assets? I wanna know how he made someting so impressive.
04/20/2007 12:15
stevotheidiot says
*sigh* Just when I was about to jump out of my seat and holler at the top of my lungs "THAT WAS THE MOST AWESOME THING IN THE HISTORY OF TIME!!" . . . the end comes. The lesbian innuendo was completely out of place (and stomach-turning in its offensiveness - and I'm a guy!),and the dance scene at the end seemed like more of a massive middle finger to fans than anything else. btw, thanks for making it Nicole instead of Master Chief (which is what I assume you did, anyway). Ho-hum. Pointless twist.

Animation was great, layout was great, choreography was fantastic, the end was terrible. 6.5 out of ten.
04/21/2007 12:45
antikythera says
right, the master chief, after 2 games (and another coming up) of kicking covenant ass, turns out to be an asian lesbian. then, this badass motherf*cker takes a break to choreograph and perform a whore-dance to justin-timberlake-esque beats - with her partner and hundred of sworn enemies in tow. bulllllshit. JonathanWK, meet real girls.
04/24/2007 18:49
auronk says
halo kicks ass but i think that u overrate samus, first of all i dont remember her energy chain stretching 5 miles long, second, i never remember her having a gigantic beam that could destroy a pelican in one shot, third, mastercheif is in no way a chick, if u read the books u would know that and that he is a kick ass cyborg kickin covenant ass while samus always gets into trouble and has to refind all her abilities over and over and over again, also, i think u put in too much matrix stuff, i mean the jumping behind the warthog was okay but the mastercheif holding samus while she ran on the covenant faces is just retarded, i liked the sheild sniper combo nice thinking, and yes the armor is a bomb and master cheif is in no way underrated except by the creator of this movie because mastercheif would own samus... in short halo rox and samus sux cox.
04/28/2007 04:17
Anonymous Dude says
What would a awesome fight scene be without lesbian innuendo and gratuitous dancing at the end?

Jesus Christ, it was awesome until Samus and Master Chief started making googly eyes at each other. Then it just made me want to puch the damn screen.

Way to alienate/insult nearly every female gamer on this earth.


Shut up you vapid cunt. Why do you have to be such a nitpicking bitch. Christ, it's not like it was a personal attack or some sexist tirade in the video.

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