ScrewAttack is back with another Top 10 list for us. This time they focus on the biggest video game douchebags, and you should immediately know exactly who the top two rankers are. Thankfully, they don't disappoint at the end, here's their full list:

  • 10. Wario
  • 9. Superman
  • 8. Michael Jackson
  • 7. Dr. Robotnik
  • 6. Ruffians
  • 5. The Burger King
  • 4. Bowser
  • 3. Psycho Mantis
  • 2. Jack Thompson
  • 1. The Duck Hunt Dog

The Burger King was a nice addition to a mostly predictable list. No matter how much nonsense comes from Jack Thompson's mouth, he'll never compare to the canine we've all wanted to kill at one point in our lives. Who would you add to the list?


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There are 11 comments about this post:

05/30/2007 11:29
Dexter345 says
Hahah... When I saw the Duck Hunt background come up, I laughed out loud. Goddamn that dog.
05/30/2007 11:39
Samuel says
A few of those are a stretch, I would've though Ken Kutaragi would've been up there for being such an arrogant asshole about the PS3

"Brazil? People there lacks money even to buy food." ~on the possibility on a of Playstation in Brazil.

"Beating us for a short moment is like accidentally winning a point from a Karate master, and Microsoft is still not black belt."~on Xbox Live

Karate master? What a douchbag!
05/30/2007 11:40
Michael says
Was that the first Screwattack video in months that didn't bash the PS3?

Talk about Dbags, those guys should have made the list.
05/30/2007 12:07
Thief says
On my own personal top 10, Jack Thopmson fills all spots.

What a douchebag.
05/30/2007 16:28
omicron says
when is someone going to make a video game about killing Jack Thompson?  now that I would buy
05/30/2007 17:09
Scott says
i always wanted to kill the people in MGS that would call me on the com link thing and bug me when i was tryin to kill things like to colonel or the nerdy doctor...
05/30/2007 18:20
Samuel says

Forget Campbell or Otacon, what about Rose from MGS2?

Rose:Jack does my butt looks big? Jack why won't you say you love me? Talk to me Jack!

Jack:*Pow* GAME OVER

Campbell: Oh my god he killed himself... I saw it coming. 

05/30/2007 19:11
zxcv229 says

Wario is the fucking man. Fuck this list.

05/30/2007 20:07
Dish says
What kind of douchebag has a video about douchebags and misspells the word douchebag in it?
05/30/2007 22:39
memags says
What about Otis from Dead Rising?  Calling you Every Five Seconds.  Whatta Douchebag.
05/31/2007 10:50
Kermi says

Well if we want to bitch about people interrupting us in-game, I'm going to have to nominate the second nurse/assistant or whatever you get in Trauma Center on the DS. On one of the early missions, she interrupts you every time you do anything. You cut the patient open, she explains for about five minutes which instrument to select. you select it, and then she tells you what to do with it. You start doing that and she interrupts you again. Then a little later (after several more cries of "Doctor!") she interrupts you just to say that everything is FINE and you should CONTINUE what you're doing.

She's worse than the duck hunt dog, because she's scripted to criticise you, even when you get an S-Rank on the operation. Sure, everyone wanted to shoot the duck hunt dog, but I personally am tempted to ram my stylus through the upper screen of my DS in the hope that someone, somewhere, feels my voodoo hate for her.


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