You've had more Super Smash Bros. Brawl updates than you can handle? Too bad, here's more racist updates. I say racist, because if there is one set of people I'm racist towards, it is most definitely Delfinos. Fucking hate those Delfinos. I don't care what color Delfino you are, you're fat, and useless, and I hate you. Oh look, a level all about Delfinos, just what I wanted:

"This is the central town of Isle Delfino, the tropical setting of Super Mario Sunshine. Wow! That blue ocean is bright on the eyes. Ahh… It makes me want to swim. This particular battle stage flies around the skies above the island. Fly here and there as you look down on the town below. After a thrilling landing, it becomes a normal battle stage. There are several landing points. This flight path repeats, providing great sightseeing and brawling. The changing scenery is so beautiful, you get absorbed in it. You really feel like a tourist!"

I'm a tourist? Worst tour ever. I hope ten year old terrorists masturbate to goats and then shoot me -- bonus points for telling me what movie that's from. The picture above is just a combined zoom in of two of the four new pictures. I couldn't stand to look at all of Delfino at once, let alone ask you to look at it in all its failure, but if you're feeling daring, feel free to gaze at the gallery below.

Now that they're announcing levels for their game, what other game environments do you want to see make the cut?

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There are 14 comments about this post:

06/01/2007 10:10
Dexter345 says
They should include something from Bonk's Adventure, like the inside of the dinosaur.  Hell, has anybody said that they should include Bonk as one of the playable characters?
06/01/2007 10:27
chase says
Old school Bowser's castle
06/01/2007 10:31
Mike says
I believe the movie in question is... Team America?
06/01/2007 10:44
Say says
The smashbros.com site has been pretty good with daily updates, when do you guys think they will release this game? Holiday season? Seems the game is well underway if not complete.
06/01/2007 11:05
Loki09 says
Really, I'm excited about this game. But I feel like Im constantly bombarded with all sorts of updates and features, etc. Im buying the game no matter what, does Nintendo really need to put out daily updates?
06/01/2007 11:28
16andrewb says
Babel... woo!
06/01/2007 12:12
Loki09 says

Got that movie blew. I wanted to kill myself for two hours straight. The only positive thing coming from Babel was Japanese nudity.

@Tom, I see your point. At this point, however, Im so used to aenemic first year lineups that it doesnt bother me when the games I really want are a few months on the horizon.

06/01/2007 12:38
chase says
damn, I just rented that but had to return it w/o watching it...too bad.  After hearing about the session between the MGS creator playing smash bros and saying it seemed mostly finished, I'm just wondering if all they're really working so hard on is online, trying to perfect it maybe?
06/01/2007 13:13
Mike says
any movie with a back story about how god created the heavens and the earth= garbage
06/01/2007 13:21
Seven says
Babel completely blew. I second the only good thing about it was the Jap nudity.
06/01/2007 13:38
Jimmy says
They should do a level based on the Water Temple in Ocarina of time. That way you have search around for hours before you find someone to fight.
06/01/2007 14:30
Matt says
if they don't make a Punch-Out level in this one, i'm giving up on the series.
06/01/2007 15:25
Sarah says
I would like to see a Tetris level. Hell, SBM had a "Mr. Game and Watch" level then why cant it have a tetris board in SBB? I don't know how it would work but that would be neat.  
06/01/2007 22:16
chase says
true, but at the same time, they had game and watch in it...is there a tetris character they could use? unless it was a dr. mario version I don't know what they could use, but that would be pretty badass...lots of moving, rotating platforms

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