Don't be bashful, you know you want to see what the new Tomb Raider Anniversary game will look like. If you have a fetish for women who are barely clothed and kill grizzly bears AND raptors, well then you might as well buy the anniversary ring right now. Crystal Dynamics wasn't lying, she definitely looks sexy as ever, and it looks like gameplay will be a lot of fun as well. Turok ain't got shit on Tomb Raider.
Update: Here's 14 high quality pictures from Jeux-France to tide you over until the next Tomb Raider Anniversary announcement. Click on the thumbnails to zoom in for the full female effect. Here, let me save you the time - go straight to the last picture. Damn does this damage diva look good. Some of the puzzles look pretty sweet too, a few pictures even hint at the mandatory get-in-the-water-cuz-you're-hot puzzle.
Update 2: TheLastBoss will continue to post more content straight through Christmas day. In fact, since this weekend looks extra boring while I wait for Christmas to come, you can even expect extra posts throughout the weekend. Happy Holidays everyone, consider these pictures your gift :)
So what's everyone's gaming plans this weekend? Now is a great time to catch up on some games you missed out on throughout the year - what do you plan on playing? I've got a beta testing invite to Dungeon Runners to try out, but more importantly, I've got the rest of Twilight Princess and Call of Duty 3 waiting for me, and if I have the free time I'll finally dig into Myst III. I miiiight even finally open my PS3 and try out Resistance: Fall of Man. But I doubt it, my friends just dragged me back into Ragnarok Online. Here's the world map and download if you're interested. Now let's hear your holiday gaming lineup!