The Nintendo Wii wins the Theme of the Week post this time around, first let's do some quick review before getting to the new gaming news:

And here's what is supposed to be what the game cover of Mario Party 8 on the Wii will look like - don't forget to watch what its Wiimote gameplay will look like.

Also, for you nitpicky gamers, as you can see in the image above, the Wii and Gamecube have been compared stat for stat.

And here's some brand new Metroid Prime 3: Corruption details for the highly anticipated Wii game. Nintendo recently held an invite event for the game that left people walking out of the get together spouting off that Metroid Prime 3 "looks better than Halo 2 did on the Xbox." Notice they didn't say Xbox 360, but that's still impressive. However, they did just walk out of a Nintendo invite event, we know how the industry loves to coerce news sites. But they also offered some actual descriptions of what to expect:

"Corruption takes full advantage of the first-person perspective to make you part of the action. There’s also a new hyper mode in which Samus can fill up her phazon supply to a certain point to push her into a heightened period of speed and power. Push the phazon limit too far and it will overload her armor and you’ll be seeing a game over screen. Finally, word is that at long last Samus’ ship will be used during gameplay, an intriguing twist that should cause the saliva glands of Metroid fans to work overtime."

The reward/penalize setup for the phazon limit sounds cool - and whether you're a Nintendo fanboy or not - riding Samus's ship should be awesome. In today's shooter game obsessed world, I can see Metroid Prime 3's sales competing well with even Mario Galaxy. These Wii games need to get released soon, the next 6 months look pretty dry.

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