And by kinda, I mean you'd better bring along a plastic bag when you play it, so that when someone else walks in the room and sees the shit you can pick it up and apologize for shitting on their TV screen. Don't get me wrong, I bought a PS3 and 360 for awesome graphics and the long term investment, and I bought the Wii purely for innovative gameplay and all its possibilities. I don't expect great graphics from most Nintendo games, but the one game that warrants top of the line visuals is definitely Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. These pictures look okay at best, when they should be above and beyond what's already out on store shelves for the Wii.

I don't see how Nintendo can give some dude in overalls these awesome graphics, and then somehow make a cybernetic space pirate bounty hunter game on the Wii look possibly worse than its GameCube predecessors. I don't care at all if games like Manhunt 2 look terrible, but where's those 2-3 times better-than-GameCube graphics the Wii is supposed to deliver? Even fucking Luigi's Mansion looks better than this. I can't even tell what's going on in this picture, is Samus holding a black bowling pin? Because we already own Wii Bowling, and it looks better than this piece of shit.

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There are 13 comments about this post:

05/22/2007 14:59
Samuel says
Ahhh! The aliasing THE ALIASING! Where did you get those pics? They could just be bad quality, here's hoping they're just bad quality pics of an early build of the game.
05/22/2007 15:08
Loki09 says
I dont want to believe you. Those pics look awful, but I cant imagine they are going to be what the public sees when they fire up the game for the first time.

Hoping at least.
05/22/2007 15:10
allen says
"I bought the Wii purely for innovative gameplay" Opps!
05/22/2007 15:19
Seven says
Even though they probably have a decent amount of input, remember that Nintendo develops the Mario games and Retro develops the MP series when you compare the two.
05/22/2007 15:24
Michael says
LOL. I almost feel bad for anyone that bought a Wii. Almost.

The only innovative game play in this current console lineup is on the PS3. Flailing your controller around like a cracked out monkey for an entire game is pathetic. Having the six-axis controller being used to compliment the gameplay is great. Hell I'd rather play GC or Xbox game then be forced to zip tie my "controller" to my wrist to make sure I don't break my 5k dollar tv.

I think the thing Nintendo forgot is that it's a video game, and while trying to modify the status quo is admirable, didn't they learn anything from their past? Gamers don't want gimmick bullshit that you base a game around. See R.O.B., PowerPad, Gameboy Printer, Super Gameboy and Virtual Boy for examples.
05/22/2007 15:35
Ach! Mein eyesight!
05/22/2007 15:41
Samuel says
Hey don't rag on Super Gameboy, Super Gameboy kicked ass. It kicked so much ass it could permanently modify your games if you were being a shithead ex. I screwed around with the pause function (paused unpaused rapidly) during the Link's Awakening credits and the credits were blinky from then on, even in a gameboy, true story. But seriously, it was awesome playing gameboy games on a TV.
05/22/2007 16:03
matt says
The pics are low resolution. The game will look much better in motion. Few would argue that the first two Metroid Prime's weren't beautiful games when seen in motion.
05/22/2007 17:07
allen says
Fewer still would argue that the Wii is a good console.
05/22/2007 17:20
Josh says
The Wii in our office easily gets far more play than the PS3 brick hooked up to the tv in the conference room. Those screens don't even look like they captured the entire screen being displayed. I'll optimistically wait.
05/22/2007 17:28
Mikey_Boo says
Just have a little faith in 'Nintendo' guys. Inovation is their middle name, they will bring us to the promised land of beautiful and fun games. Mostly because they now that I'll kick 'em in the balls if they don't.

Metriod will be a show stopper.
05/23/2007 01:35
AgentMoskau says
I love it when the few PS3 owners come out when Nintendo gets what appears to be bad news about stills of a game that isn't played by looking at stills. Whereas we're supposed to shit ourselves with joy when a still of PS3 game looks clear(ly made of plastic).

I know, I know. Just thought I'd try to even out the tension in the thread.
05/23/2007 11:09
foredaddy says
"Few would argue that the first two Metroid Prime's weren't beautiful games when seen in motion."
I'd argue that Metroid sucks my big juicy ass!
I can't believe you people like these games.
Terrible. Just terrible.

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